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There are a number of ways in which financial giving can happen at CBC. These are set out below in brief. If you would like to take up one of these schemes or change the way in which you currently give, please speak to our Treasurer, David McLellan.

Contactless Giving
We have several contactless giving points in our church buildings where you are invited to make a financial gift as you are able.  In order to make your offering most tax efficient, please tick the appropriate box when prompted.  Alternatively, you can give via credit or debit card online.  To access this facility, click here.  However, if you are able to give via one of the methods described below (preferred), this will prevent the church from incurring a 2-3% fee for each transaction.

Text Message
Simply send a text message to 07380 307 800 indicating how much you would like to give, e.g: CBCDORSET give £50.  You will immediately receive a text back to confirm or amend your gift.

Standing Order
Standing Order is our preferred method of giving because it is the most efficient for yourself and CBC. Simply set up a standing order with your bank for the amount you wish to regularly give, specify the regularity and day on which the payment should be made and everything is arranged.

Click here to download a Standing Order form (fillable PDF) or set up your Standing Order electronically using the details below (see Bank Transfer section).  If you are a UK taxpayer, please also complete a gift-aid declaration which means we can make your financial gift tax efficient (see below). Click here to download a Gift Aid form (online form).

Cash or Cheque Offering
Simply place your giving (cash or cheque) into a envelope (available from the Welcome Desk), seal it, and place this into the offering boxes located inthe church.  If you are a UK taxpayer, please also complete a gift-aid declaration which means we can make your financial gift tax efficient (see below).  Please make cheques payable to 'Christchurch Baptist Church'.

One-Off Financial Donation
You may feel more comfortable making a one-off financial donation - this can either be discussed with one of our Leadership Team, our Treasurer or made anonymously.

Legacy - Remembering Christchurch Baptist Church In Your Will
Leaving a legacy is a truly fantastic way of providing financial help to Christchurch Baptist Church's mission and ministry. If this is something which you are contemplating, may we thank you greatly, in advance! Click here to download a Legacy Information Sheet. If a legacy is to be left to a particular aspect of CBC's ministry, eg 2020 Vision, that would need to be clearly specified in the Will.

Bank Transfer
You might be interested to know that you can make payments electronically from your bank account into the Christchurch Baptist Church bank account. The information you require to set this up online is:

Bank: Co-Operative Bank
Sort Code: 08-92-99
Account Number: 65972649

Gift Aid
Whichever way you choose, we are extremely grateful - why not ensure you Gift Aid it?

If you are a UK taxpayer please click here to download a Gift Aid form (online form). By completing and returning this form, we can increase your financial gift by further 25% by reclaiming the tax from the Inland Revenue. This one declaration is effective for the whole time you are a UK taxpayer. If you stop paying tax you will need to notify us.

Project Five:One | Build Project
In April 2023 we launched our Build Project, Project Five:One, with the aim of further developing our buildings for our future mission and ministry.  To find out more and to see if you can contribute, click here

"How Much Should I Give...?"
If you are struggling to know how much to give, you can listen to Chris Brockway's most recent stewardship sermon, 'When Giving Is Really Taking..'  In this message, Chris unpacks 4 really helpful principles which will inspire us to ensure that our giving is in line with God's will for our lives.  You can also listen to Ian Coffey speaking about giving at CBC, 'When You Give...' or Chris Brockway's sermon which lauched the first phase of our Build Project in March 2020: 'Building For Mission & Ministry'.

Our Data Protection Promise
We will always store your personal details securely.  We'll use them to provide the service that you have requested, and communicate with you in the way(s) that you have agreed to.  Your data may also be used for analysis purposes, to help us provide the best service possible.  We will only allow your information to be used by suppliers working on our behalf and we'll only share it if required to do so by Law.  For full details, see our Data Protection Privacy Notice or contact the church office.


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